Payments are handled securely by PayPal / Crypto / Skrill / Bank Transfer / Google Pay / EasyPaisa
Rs 1250 / user / month
Rs 3999 / user / 6 months
Rs 3000 / user / month
Rs 8250 / user / 6 months
Rs 4000 / user / month
Rs 11000 / user / 6 months
Rs 5000 / user / month
Only Monthly Plan.
Frequently Asked Question
We have answer some of the questions user ask us on regular basis. If you have any other question that is not answered please reach is on helpdesk or email.
Yes. We have 24/7 Support Team available. Our average response time is less then 1 hour. You can reach us via whatsapp or facebook.
Our membership system is very simple and easy to use. You can sign up for available packages or by single tool membership. Once payment is confirmed via PayPal it’s activated instantly. If you want to make payment via manually payment methods like JazzCash, EasyPaisa, Skrill, BTC or Bank Transfer, You need to send us payment proof and after verification, our support team agent will activate your account.
It depends how you use tool, if you do research via using tools, other users won’t be able to see your data, if you monitor any data in tools, in that case other users might see your data. History is protected and can’t be seen by others. Our system is 101% secure for users data and we have no logout issues if any other user login. You can access our service anytime from anywhere.
No. We don’t allow sharing one account on multiple devices or user. You can order multiple account at discounted price if purchased more then 3 users access. You can get 20% OFF on each account if purchase more then 3 accounts.
If you do not like our service you can request a refund with 24hrs of sign up. After 24hrs you can’t claim a refund as this is a group buy service. If your account is terminated or suspended or blocked due to any violation of our terms and condition user can’t claim a refund.
No, although we try our best to provide maximum uptime as it’s our business, however, sometimes tool provider block accounts, sometimes limit exceeds and sometime due to an update from provider tools might not work properly, although we try our best to provide maximum uptime to our users.
Get affordable access to top SEO, design, AI, eCommerce, and ad tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and more with our group buy service.
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